Welcome to Spin Fx, where the rhythm meets the ride in an electrifying fusion of fitness and fun!

🎶 Spin Fx AMP’D: Move to the Beat of Unity Embark on a fitness journey like no other with our rhythmic spin classes that transcend the ordinary. At Spin Fx AMP’D, we’re not just cycling; we’re dancing to the pulse of electric beats, techno vibes, hip hop rhythms, rock anthems, pop melodies, and the raw energy of grime. It’s not just a workout; it’s a dance party where the collective power of our community propels you forward. Join us as we groove together, push boundaries, and become more powerful with every beat.

💪 Spin Fx POW’R: Performance-driven Spin Classes For those who crave intensity, precision, and a serious sweat session, Spin Fx POW’R is your ultimate destination. Our spin classes are meticulously crafted to challenge you with performance-driven elements, dynamic intervals, precise targets, and invigorating drills. Feel the surge of power as you set, maintain, and push through intentional paces and resistance levels. The pulsating music, dynamic lighting, and motivating instructors will elevate your workout experience, amping you up to new heights of strength and endurance.

🚴‍♂️ Spin Fx: Where Fitness Meets the Beat At Spin Fx, we’re not just about the workout; we’re about the experience. Whether you’re craving the exhilaration of a dance-inspired ride or the challenge of a performance-driven session, Spin Fx has a class tailored just for you. Join our community, feel the rhythm, and let the beat guide you to a healthier, more powerful you. It’s not just a spin class; it’s a Spin Fx experience that leaves you amped, empowered, and eagerly anticipating your next ride.

Ready to spin to the rhythm of your fitness journey? Join Spin Fx today and let the beat move you!

220 Lakeland Drive
Sherwood Park T8H 0G2 AB CA
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The Studio will open 30 minutes before class and closes 30 minutes after class.